Reclaimed Nudes

I am continuously inspired by the soft, strong, feisty, gentle, positively incredible women who surround me, personally and on screen. Be it my best friends, my mum, my godmother, or the awesome woman I follow on instagram. 

I’m always drawn to illustrating women, and one day, having a discussion with my (beautiful, talented, intelligent) best friend we discussed nudes. Who we send them to, why we send them, especially why we do to people who don’t appreciate them, old partners who have them, new partners, and genuinely how we just love it when you just take them for yourself, and don’t even give a shit who see’s it - you just want the world to know how fire you are feeling. She sent me one of hers she had previously sent to an unappreciative boy, I made it into beautiful art and well, how it all went from then you can see below.

We decided to reclaim our nudes. 

I put the call out to social media, and some brave and bold women allowed me to paint them and turn their sent nudes into bright, colourful, eternal pieces of art. I am forever grateful and humbled that those women and others (who are still submitting nudes - see the contact below) are sharing a moment so raw and vulnerable with me. And we get to turn something that gets hidden away, only seen under covers, sometimes ignored, and sometimes under appreciated, into something loud, public and f***ing proud! 

The female body shouldn’t be used, shamed, hidden, or censored. Celebrate it, love it, appreciate it. Take that nude for yourself!



These pieces are part of the original collection from 2021. They are no longer available as they’re sold out but feel free to take a look at them and see what the OG’s behind Reclaimed Nudes looked like.